I don't know why it is that it bothers me. Perhaps because he is my only boy. Perhaps it is because I am afraid that we are too rapidly heading towards that time when he will want to snuggle with his Mommy less, be more conservative with his hugs and show less love just because he feels it in his heart. A time when sausage for breakfast doesn't warrant a shriek of glee, an extra story at night is the greatest treat ever and Mommy isn't the best singer in the whole world. A time when he knows better than I do, I'm too lame to pick out his clothes and chocolate milk doesn't fix everything.
No, I don't want my baby boy to grow up. I had to swallow a lump in my throat last night when I tucked him in a 5 year old, knowing he would awaken a 6 year old.
Thank goodness I have 364 days until I have to face it again.