Friday, November 12, 2010

Christmas Cards

I love Christmas Cards. I love getting them and I love spending time perusing Shutterfly, trying to pick out the card I like the best to send out. I especially love photo cards.

What I do not like is trying to get ONE good picture of all 4 kids. A picture where everyone looks neat and like someone loves them enough to wash their faces and comb their hair. A picture where everyone is AT LEAST looking in the same general direction, no one is blinking or talking with a mouth full of food. Forget smiling. I'm happy if no one is scowling or howling.

So when I saw an offer from Shutterfly to bloggers I knew I could participate. Shutterfly says that if I blog about their holiday photos past or present, I can have some free cards.

Well that's not hard at all. Because of my above picture requirements, you could say that one great picture of all my kids is somewhat of a mission impossible. But Shutterfly saves me every year because they are the ONLY picture website I have found that allows me to put in 4 pictures, one of each child at their best.

They have great gift options too, which I have also used in the past. I know that the mug with a semi decent picture of all my kids was one of my dad's favorite gifts one year. And every single year he and my husband get a calendar with pictures of the little hooligans all over it. It can even be personalized with important dates to remember!

So yes, this entry may sound like an advertisement for Shutterfly. After all, they are paying me in FREE Christmas cards. But I order from them every year, free or not. I encourage you to do the same. You won't be disappointed! And if you are a blogger, you can participate too! Their offer for bloggers getting 50 free holidaycards is here. Have fun choosing your cards!

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